
Tenants moving and taking bedbugs with them

We just finished treating an apartment unit which was badly infested with bedbugs. The tenant had refused to let us treat and actually just moved out. The landlord was pleased he was gone but unhappy at the mess he left behind; as well as the bedbugs. The problem however; is that wherever this person […]

Treating Bed Bug Infestations

Controlling bed bugs takes time and patience. There are a variety of non-chemical approaches that have been shown to be effective. In addition, pesticides are available to aid in the control process. Combining chemical and non-chemical treatments in a unified approach that often makes the most sense. The approach is called integrated pest management (IPM). […]

6 Facts about Bedbugs you should know

1.   Most people find bed bugs (Cimex lectularius) a most disagreeable houseguest. These parasites are usually no more than a ¼ inch in length in their adult state and can engorge themselves with human blood in less than 15 minutes causing their bodies to fill to as much as three times its usual size. Fully […]

How does Don Corleone take care of rats?

Well I’m not exactly sure since that’s a fictional movie and a really great one at that, especially if you see how many academy awards it recieved. At Action Pest Control; we try to keep the rats and mice out of Hamilton, Burlington, Oakville, and Milton. One rodent and one house at a time. We use very effective […]

7 Ways Home Workers Can Prevent Picking Up Bedbugs

1. Learn how to identify bed bugs. 2. When visiting, bring in only what you need and avoid placing bags close to walls and furniture (if this is unavoidable place belongings in a closed white plastic kitchen bag and examine it for any bed bugs before leaving). 3. If possible, stand rather than sit, or […]

Have you seen a rat lately in Hamilton?

NORWAY RATS The common rat (Norway rat) is such a terrible pest.  They are destructive little creatures commonly found in urban and suburban neighborhoods.  These rodents eat and contaminate food, damage buildings and other property by gnawing and burrowing in buildings and other properties.  They typically spread diseases due to their filthy nature. How To […]

Mississauga Homeowner Throws Out A Garbage bag FULL of Dead Roaches

…..the German cockroach….one of the most persistent and hard to kill insects….. “Blattella” germanica or the German roach is the main cockroach of concern for homeowners and landlords in Ontario. They travel deep inside walls and move very quickly and are compulsive breeders.  They carry their eggs in a capsule attached to their body called […]

Hey Hamilton….Cockroaches Have a Bad Rep

I saw this cartoon recently and thought it was hilarious! I mean, lets face it…how many of us really want to find a roach roaming around on the counter?  I’m sure not to many hands are in the air right now.  That got me thinking about the ‘positive’ aspects of roaches.  I’m sure that there […]

The Life of a Carpenter Ant

Carpenter ants, which are commonly seen in and near dwellings are typically the wingless, non-productive worker adults.  Carpenter ants live in large groups or colonies consisting of hundreds of worker ants, a few reproductive males and female as well as one queen. At first the colony is small, however, in later years the population can […]

Carpenter Ants In Hamilton, Burlington and Oakville

Here come the ants…… Carpenter ants are one of the most common structural pests found in and around the home.  They are the largest type of ant that invade the home….they can range from 1/4 to 3/4 inches in length. They have a constricted waist, six legs and bent antennae. They can be black, reddish-black […]
