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5 Common Types of Cockroaches In Ontario

Cockroaches are some of the most surviving insects you can come across. We’re all aware of this fun fact in school that they can live days without their head, but they only look good in science books and you wouldn’t want to see them inside your house or around your office. There are more than […]

Don't Roach Your Luck: The Ins and Outs of Cockroach Prevention

Let’s be honest, no one wants to share their living or working space with cockroaches. These little critters are not just creepy-crawly nuisances; they can also be harmful to your health. From allergies to food contamination, the dangers of a roach infestation are too great to ignore. So, let’s dive into the world of cockroach […]

What's the Deal With Cockroaches?

Cockroaches may be a common sight, but in reality, they can be a nightmare to deal with. Having witnessed many infestations myself, I can tell you that they can spread quickly and are incredibly hard to get rid of. In fact, a single female can lay up to 40 eggs at a time, which means […]

Where Do Cockroaches Hide?

Cockroach infestations are a nightmare for homeowners. These pesky creatures are capable of shattering even the strongest of wills. What makes the situation even more challenging is their elusive and sneaky nature. Locating their hiding spots can be a daunting task, one that requires expert knowledge and experience. Fortunately, Action Pest Control, serving Burlington, Hamilton, […]

Understanding Ontario's regulations for pest control companies

Pest infestation is an issue many Ontario residents face in their homes and workplaces, regardless of the season. From ants and cockroaches to bed bugs and rodents, these pests can be difficult to get rid of on your own. To ensure a successful and safe solution, it is important that you enlist the help of […]

How Long Do Cockroaches Live & How To Control

When you’re dealing with a cockroach infestation, you just want it to be over. You want your house back and those sneaky invaders dead or gone. The question is: where does it end? How long do cockroaches live? At Action Pest, we know how frustrating it is to have your home taken over by cockroaches […]

Can Cockroaches Survive in the Cold?

A lot of people believe cockroaches are nearly invincible. For one thing, they can supposedly survive a nuclear apocalypse. (Not true, according to this article.) They can also survive for weeks without a head. (Unfortunately, this one is true.) What about Ontario winters, however? Can cockroaches survive in the cold?  At Action Pest, we’re often […]

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Cockroaches

Cockroaches have roamed the planet for millions of years and are expected to continue to survive long after we cease to exist. Fossil evidence has uncovered cockroaches dating back 280 to 320 million years. Here are some other interesting facts about cockroaches that you might not have known: Cockroaches can survive without their head for […]

The Art of Survival and Dangers of Cockroaches

Cockroaches have been surviving for 300 million years. They are one of the most ancient groups of insects on planet earth, and their population count remains high. Roaches are considered to be a robust group of animals, and their resilience has wreaked uncontrollable havoc in many houses. The Survival Secret of the Cockroaches Cockroaches have […]

Want To Cozy Up This Winter Season? So Do The Cockroaches

Most homeowners tend to be more aggressive about cockroach control during the warmer season. However, it is extremely important to be informed about how cockroaches remain active during the winter season. Cockroaches are not simply just attracted to messy households, they need to find warmth and escape the cold. To maintain roach control during the […]
