When we think of a bug problem, we normally think about cockroaches, ants, or spiders, but none of these are as vicious toward humans as bed bugs. These pests can draw blood from the human body for up to 5 minutes and leave you itching with multiple scars. Bed bugs aren’t the usual pests that enter your house in search of a food source, rather they rely on some kind of human intervention to spread. They can enter your house through furniture, luggage and in some cases their lightweight eggs can be transferred to your house, where they hatch into bed bug nymphs
One of the easiest ways to understand the extent of your bed bug problem is by finding bed bug eggs. So, what should you be looking for?
What do Bed Bug Eggs Look Like?
To find bed bug eggs, you need to understand their appearance, shape, and size. Mistaking a sign of a bed bug infestation for some other common house pest in Canada can result in costly treatment for the wrong bug.
Female bed bugs lay their eggs around the same spot. You can find a cluster of these eggs usually around one spot which can tell you how bad your bed bug infestation is.
Bed bugs will have an appearance similar to short rice grains. They have eggs that are white in colour with a greyish hue. Upon closer inspection, you’ll be able to see a tiny cap on one end out of which the nymph hatches. Hatched bed bugs will have these caps removed or opened. You don’t need a special magnifier to spot these eggs as they are visible to the naked eye.
These eggs have an elliptical stretched shape, like a rice grain. Think of something like round-grain rice.
Bed bug eggs are tiny. These pearl white eggs are around 1 mm long and you’d almost miss them on white sheets and clothes. They are most easily seen on darker furnishings or clothes.
Where To Find Bed Bug Eggs?
Now that you know what bed bug eggs look like, you’ll need to know about the most effective areas you can find bed bug eggs. Female bed bug lays their eggs on surfaces that are well hidden from a normal person.
The most common place to find bed bug eggs is around your bed. They will be hidden along the piping or on the mattress seam. In the worst cases of prolonged bed bug infestation, these bed bugs and their eggs will be attached to the box spring coverings and clearly visible.
Bed bugs can travel up to 20 ft throughout the day and this means they are likely to travel rooms and reproduce elsewhere. Some common places you can find bed bug eggs are near bed frames, old cardboard harborages, electrical sockets, wallpaper and drawer joints.
How long does it take for bed bug eggs to hatch?
If you come across bed bug eggs, you might find their caps already loose or hole on one end of the capsule. This means that the bed bug egg has hatched and is already on its way for a blood meal.
Bed bugs hatch in about two weeks into nymphs, which are ready to feed immediately. They have a white colour with a yellow tint and are still not complete adults. It takes about 4 – 5 more weeks for these nymphs to turn into dark adult bed bugs. These adult bed bugs are around 5 mm in size and female bed bugs can reproduce multiple times to lay close to 500 eggs over their life.
How To Get Rid of Bed Bug Eggs?
Getting rid of bed bugs should be your top priority for a comfortable sleep. You can remove bed bugs from your bedroom and find them coming back two weeks later when the eggs hatch. It’s important to not only remove bed bugs but also kill bed bug eggs.
Bed bug eggs are fragile and a little scrub from a brush can break them, clearing your bed bug problem. There are a few things you can do to effectively control your bed bug egg clusters and remove any living bed bugs
- Use a brush to scrub the mattress, seams and any other irremovable furnishing
- Vacuum all suspected spots to remove any dead bed bugs and eggs
- Scrub hard surfaces with disinfectant
- Wash any clothes, sheets and soft furnishing in hot water and dry clean them with the highest temperature settings
- If you find eggs on any furniture, carpet or upholstery, you can use heat treatment to get rid of the bed bugs.
Most Effective Bed Bug Removal
All these methods of bed bug egg cleanup and egg removal can help you control a problem that has just started and limit the spread of bed bugs to other areas. For the most effective treatment, it’s best to save yourself some time and take the help of a professional bug removal company. The professional knows exactly where to look, and how to control and provide the best course of action that can help you get a good night’s sleep back on your bed.
Bed bugs can live from 4-6 months but in colder weather, their lifespan increases up to a year. For residents in cold weather like Hamilton, a bed bug infestation can soon turn into a lifelong recurring problem.
Call ActionPest today for a one-time solution to any pest problem and a 24/7 service.
How long does it take bed bug eggs to hatch?
Bed bug eggs can hatch within two weeks of a female laying them.
Can you see bed bug eggs?
Bed bug eggs are a millimetre in length and can be seen with the naked eye.
What kills bed bug eggs instantly?
Bed bug eggs are fragile, a scrub on the area with a hard brush can kill their eggs, alternatively, you can also use rubbing alcohol.
Where do bed bugs typically lay eggs?
Bed bugs lay their eggs on spots that will keep their eggs undisturbed, they usually lay eggs near places where they feed, which include the mattress seams, any crevices, cracks where the bed frame joins and any harborage.
How many bed bugs are in 1 egg?
One bed bug egg contains one nymph which grows to be an adult bed bug ready to reproduce within weeks.
How do you find a bed bug nest?
Bed bugs typically lay their eggs on the same spot and you can find them in common areas like mattress seams, cracks and crevices, bed frames etc.
Do bed bugs come out every night?
Bed bugs do not typically come out every night. They just need to feed once during the day and they can do this at any hour. At night when you’re sleeping, they can easily feed without being disturbed.
Where do bedbugs go during the day?
Bed bugs can’t travel long distances. During the day, they hide somewhere close to their food source like in the seam of your mattress, in the bed frame or around any appliances.
How do you find bed bugs during the day?
To find bed bugs during the day, you need to look for bed bug signs. The most common of these are the eggs and exoskeletons, which the bed bugs shed multiple times. Finding dark red spots on your sheets is also a major sign of bed bugs.
Is 2 bed bugs an infestation?
Finding a small amount of bed bugs is not an infestation, however, it can quickly lead to one if not treated quickly. Check for any other signs around the house of bed bugs, like eggshells and any nests.