Protecting your home from unwanted pests and wildlife can be a daunting task and in all honesty, it is impossible to bug proof your home completely. However, we at Action Pest Control Services what to share with you these home maintenance and housekeeping secrets that will greatly reduce the chances of a major insect and wildlife infestation.

  • Ensure all doors and windows have screens – repair or replace any torn or damaged window screens. Use fine mesh screening to prevent the tiniest of bugs entering your home
  • Seal around all doors, cracks, exterior walls and fascia boards, utility lines and appliance vents – if light and air can pass through, bugs can get in. Use door seals to fill the gap around the sides and top of each door
  • Eliminate moisture by fixing leaks – Most insects require a certain amount of humidity/moisture to survive. Even condensation on pipes can drip and create suitable places for bugs to live. Install a proper drainage system, and run dehumidifiers if needed
  • Keep a tidy kitchen – Where there’s food and water, bugs will happily make themselves at home. Do all you can to keep your kitchen clean. Wipe up crumbs, sweep or vacuum the floor, and clean up spills right away. Don’t leave dishes in the sink overnight. Clean out the toaster and microwave regularly. Scrub down your stovetop every day. Throw away food scraps and packages.
  • Keep food sealed up tight – If you have a kitchen pest problem, you’ll need to take drastic steps to eliminate food sources for the offending insects. Store cereals, grains, rice, and other pantry items in air tight containers. Keep opened food containers in the refrigerator.
  • Get rid of clutter – Insects need places to hide, and a cluttered home is a bug’s paradise. Recycle unneeded boxes and newspapers promptly. Keep laundry in clothes hampers. Keep your floor clear of belongings, and put things away after you use them.
  • Clean up after your pets – Some bugs like pet food, and others like pet waste. Clean your pet’s food dishes regularly, and don’t leave extra pet food accessible. Store dry food in air tight containers. Scoop and clean your cat’s litter box daily. Wash your pet’s bed or favourite blanket regularly.
  • Take the garbage out frequently – If you can smell it (even a little), it’s going to attract bugs. In fact, insects are much more sensitive to odors than we are, so even if you can’t smell it, it may attract bugs. If you’re really worried about insect pests in your home, empty your garbage often. Line your cans with plastic garbage bags, and tie them tight before you take the bags out for pick-up.
  • Scrub your trash bins – Even with your garbage in plastic bags, there’s bound to be a spill or torn bag now and then. Scrub out all of your trash bins to eliminate smells and sticky substances that may attract insects.
  • Clean up your yard and prune trees and shrubs – Mulch, leaf litter, and garden debris can all harbor insects. Keep mulch away from your home’s foundation, and clean up any accumulated organic matter. Mow your lawn regularly, and keep it short near your house. Keep tree branches pruned so they don’t rest on your roof. Prune shrubs away from windows and doors.