One of the most common fears I hear; is that once you get bedbugs, you can’t get rid of them.  Most People think the solution is to move, and throw out all their furniture!  But with proper preparation, professional pest control service, and maintanance the bed bugs can be irradicated.

engorged bed bug; actual size

engorged bed bug; actual size


Step One: vacuum, vacuum, vacuum!  Put all clothing and bedding into sealed plastic bags, and launder them in HOT water, then dry them on HIGH for at least 30 minutes. And throw those bags away!  Put clean laundry into new bags and keep them sealed until all treatment and follow ups are complete.

At Action Pest control we offer a 6 month guarantee to keep your home free of bedbugs.  After your home has been treated professionally, vacuum everything again and keep clutter away from the bed.  By following these guidelines, before and after treatment, you can be sure to get rid of those bedbugs and sleep tight!

call Action Pest Control for a free inspection @ 905-318-1242