Mention the word bed bugs and expect everybody within hearing distance to react collectively in terror. Once bed bug bites start to appear, they can make any homeowner freak out. Especially if there are other family members and pets at home. It’s understandable why, though. Bed bugs might be small in size, but they are one of the most resilient and annoying pests you can find. They spread very quickly and will require a lot of work before they’re all gone. Once you see signs of bed bugs present, it’s time to take drastic measures. It’s the only way to completely eradicate them. But what are bed bugs? How do they affect humans and pets? Lastly, what can you do to rid your home of bed bugs? Let’s continue to discuss this topic.
What Are Bed Bugs?
Bed bugs are a type of insect from the genus Cimex that feeds on warm-blooded animals’ blood. They are primarily nocturnal and are found just about anywhere – most commonly found in our homes or hotels. These wingless insects are quick on their feet and can take over a whole house (or apartment) quickly as female bed bugs lay thousands of eggs. They are also good at “hitchhiking” as they’re known to latch onto suitcases, garments, and linens. Once they’ve attached themselves, they’re brought home or wherever else the items take them.
While bed bugs are small, about the size of an apple seed, these brownish insects can give humans a nasty bite. You won’t feel the bites right away but after some time, you’ll notice small, raised bumps on the skin accompanied by swelling, redness and itching. It’s also not rare to see bite areas lined up in a row as bed bugs are prone to do sequential feeding. Depending on the person, the bed bug bites can take a few days to develop. That is why most people don’t realize they have bed bugs at home until an infestation occurs.
How Bed Bug Bites Affect Humans & Pets?
As mentioned above, bed bugs like to feed on the blood of animals. This includes common pets we have at homes such as dogs and cats. The good news is that bed bug bites are not known to transmit diseases to humans or pets. So, if you were afraid of getting weird diseases from bed bugs, worry no more. Although bed bugs are not carriers for dangerous diseases, bed bug bites can get secondary skin infections if they’re scratched too much.
Their bites can also result in anemia amongst children, pruritus, discomfort, allergic reactions, stress and sleeplessness. Be on the lookout if you own pets, bed bug bites are typically mistaken for fleas or ticks. It can cause your pets discomfort, itchy lesions or welts. This is the reason why bed bugs should be exterminated as soon as you detect their presence in your home. However usually by the time bed bugs are discovered, you’re most likely dealing with an infestation already. The key to getting rid of them is early detection.
Finding Bed Bugs At Home
Bed bugs are usually referred to as “nest pests”. Simply put, this means they are pests that prefer living in the nest of other animals. In the case of humans, our beds and living rooms are considered to be “nests”. Anywhere we tend to rest can be considered as a nest, like your sofa. In most cases, the first place to search for bed bugs will be your bed. Check the seams, tags, piping and even cracks in the headboard for black specks or spots of blood. As we’ve already mentioned, they’re nocturnal meaning they’re the most active at night. So plainly speaking, they’re drawn to hiding places closest to their food source for when they’re the most active.
How Do You Get Rid of Bed Bugs?
Getting rid of bed bugs is difficult, mainly because they are usually discovered too late. That is why it’s always a good idea to keep a lookout for the tell-tale signs of bed bugs in your home. Nonetheless, if you do notice them quickly or you’ve been exposed to an environment you suspect has bed bugs, there are a number of things you can do to prevent them from spreading. A few of these steps include putting your sheets, covers and blankets in the dryer. Prolonged heat exposure will kill any insects including bed bugs. Any infested items should be removed and sealed for treatment to contain infestations.
If you do want them gone for good though, you have to be able to ensure you’ve gotten rid of all of the bed bugs. In the case you already notice an infestation, the best option at that point is to call a professional pest control company to diagnose the issue. Professionals know exactly what to look for and where. After a thorough inspection, they can provide a reasonable solution for your bed bug problems.
Expert Bed Bug Exterminators | Action Pest Control
Seeing bed bug bites when you wake up is definitely not an ideal morning. No one wants to wake up feeling uneasy or stressed because of these newfound pests. But fret not, Action Pest is here to save the day! Action Pest has a team of experts using the latest practices in handling bed bug infestations. With over 40 years of experience, you know your homes are in good hands. With a satisfaction-guaranteed policy, you’ll never have to worry about a bed bug ever again. As soon as you suspect bed bugs have made their way into your homes, give Action Pest a call right away! Our team of professional exterminators will give your home a visit and let you know the extent of the damage so that they can deliver a feasible solution that’ll meet your needs. Contact Action Pest today for a free estimate.