Bed Bug Pest control

The rise of bed bugs has become a growing concern for households worldwide, as their resilience and ability to spread continue to cause havoc. At Action Pest Control, located in Hamilton and serving the Burlington area, we understand the frustration and stress that comes with dealing with bedbugs. As experts in bed bug pest control, we know how important it is for homeowners to be informed about these stubborn pests. That’s why we’re sharing six intriguing facts about bedbugs that you probably didn’t know. 

  1. **Bedbugs Were Once Bat Bugs:** Bedbugs didn’t always have a taste for human blood. Their original hosts were bats, hence their initial moniker “bat bugs”. Over time, as humans lived in closer quarters with bats, these bugs adapted to a new food source – us. Today, they are known as bedbugs, a name that reflects their notorious habit of hiding in our sleeping spaces.
  1. **A Female Bedbug Can Lay Over 200 Eggs:** An individual female bedbug has the ability to lay well over 200 eggs in her lifetime, adding to their rapid population growth. These tiny pests are master breeders, making them difficult to exterminate without professional help.
  2. **Birds and Mice are Also Common Blood Sources:** While humans are a preferred target, bedbugs are not picky eaters. They can and will feed on birds and mice if they are more readily available, demonstrating their adaptability and survival instincts.
  3. **Children Can Become Anemic from Bedbug Bites:** Some case studies have found that repeated feedings on a child by bedbugs have led to anemia. This underscores the importance of early detection and eradication of these pests.
  4. **Calamine Lotion Can Relieve Itching From Bites:** If you’ve been bitten, applying calamine lotion can help reduce itching and inflammation. However, remember that this is just a temporary solution – the real remedy is to eliminate the infestation.
  5. **Bedbugs Can Live for Over a Year Without Feeding:** In a study conducted by a scientist at the Rollins Corporation in the U.S., a bedbug was kept alive for almost 15 months without a blood meal. This astonishing fact emphasizes their resilience and the necessity for professional pest control intervention.

As a homeowner, dealing with bedbugs can be a nightmare. These pesky creatures can quickly infest your home and leave you feeling helpless. That’s where we come in. At Action Pest Control, we understand the importance of keeping your home pest-free. Our team of experts is skilled in bedbug detection and eradication, and we’re equipped to handle all your bedbug issues. Don’t wait until the problem escalates – call us today at 905-318-1242 for a free bedbug inspection. We take your bedbug problem seriously and will work tirelessly to keep your home safe and pest-free.