- CALL US: 905.318.1242
Bedbug Exterminator
Bedbugs are small, parasitic insects that live by feeding exclusively on the blood of humans and other warm-blooded animals. Adult bedbugs are reddish-brown in colour and approximately a quarter of an inch long with flat, oval-shaped bodies. Adults can slip into the smallest cracks in any furniture while the even smaller hatch-lings can pass through a single stitch-hole in a mattress. Bedbugs have also been known to survive a year without feeding on human blood!
Bedbugs can travel undetected in your luggage or on your clothing after visiting an infected area, or be sitting on an infected piece of furniture. From there, they make their way into private homes, apartments, offices, nursing homes, hospitals and on public transit.
For over 40 years Action Pest Control has been a trusted name in the pest control industry. We back all our high-quality services with our Money-Back Service Guarantee.

Engorged bedbug; actual size
Bedbug Removal Services
Action Pest provides a number of highly effective bedbug treatment options for residential and commercial purposes.
Integrated Pest Management Programs (IPM)
- Available combination treatment approach involving chemical and non-chemical treatments
- Consideration and planning for the pest life cycle, environmental interactions, and available pest control methods
- Ministry of The Environment approved, water-based and odorless solutions
Box spring infested with bedbugs
Micro-Injector Technology
- The latest in bedbug extermination technology
- Injects a fine mist into mattresses and furniture, sparing your valuables and unaffected areas
- One of the most highly effective treatments on the market
Southern Ontario’s Bedbug Exterminator
Our full-time, dedicated team specializes in bedbug eradication and offers:
- Immediate 7 days a week service – Call us anytime
- Unmarked vehicles dispatched to your location – Discretion Guaranteed
- Integrated bedbug management programs – Including monthly visits for businesses
- Efficient, affordable, & long-term solutions to bedbugs
Integrated Pest Management Program
A combination treatment involving both chemical and non-chemical treatments which consider the pest life cycle, environmental interactions, as well as the most efficient pest control methods. Our pest management programs are approved by the Ministry of Environment, as well as using water-based and odorless solutions where possible.
Micro Injector Technology
Our teams utilize the latest in bedbug exterminating technology, including micro-injectors. These types of injectors spray a very fine mist into furniture and mattresses that are infested with bedbugs, targeting and killing everything inside while sparing your valuables in your home.
The Bedbug Information Library
- Hamilton’s Bed Bedbug Outbreak
- Bedbug Options are Limited
- Prepare For your Treatment!
- Bedbugs: Just the Facts
- Bedbugs in Hamilton Schools
- Concerned About Bedbugs When Traveling?
- Bedbugs in Medical Facilities and Restaurants
- Bedbugs gone for Good?
- Bedbugs 2, Government 0 –pesticide regulations fail consumers
- Tenants moving and taking bedbugs with them
- Treating Bed Bug Infestations
- Bed bug Pesticide Alert
- 6 Facts about Bedbugs you should know
- Number One Reason for Bedbug Explosion
- 6 facts you may not know about bedbugs
- 5 steps to eliminating bedbugs
- 7 ways in Home Workers can prevent picking up bedbugs